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The 15th BBCC/JTES conference in Riga November 16-18, 2017


Registration form

For international participants only:

Visa preparation is for additional fee in amount of 10 EUR, which will be added to your invoice.

Additional information for organizers, special requirements, etc.

For presenters only / Tikai prezentētājiem

Please select one strand that most closely matches the focus of your presentation/ Lūdzu, atzīmējiet virzienu, kas visciešāk saistīts ar Jūsu prezentācijas tēmu.

Authors of Abstracts must be written by following scheme:
Ilze Kurse1, Saiva Kalna2, Kārlis Kalniņš3
1Daugavpils University, Parādes street 1, Daugavpils, i.kurse@inbox.lv
2Tartu University, Salu street 7, Tartu, Estonia, kalnas@tartu.ee
3Šiauliai University, Vilnius street 152, Lithuania, k.kaln@siauliai.lt
If abstract written by several authors, please write accurately the order of the authors.

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